


Landlords who come to Residential Rentals Ltd want reliable and trustworthy advice. We are a family owned and operated boutique agency that specialises in high quality properties offering a professional, personalised service to both our owners and tenants. We have an excellent staff to property ratio ensuring our staff can offer a hands on personalised property management service – keeping you and your tenants happy and providing the quality service with integrity that we pride our solid reputation on.


Residential Rentals Ltd has invested in the latest property management systems offering our owners their own personalised online portal. This online portal gives our owners unrestricted access to see details of invoices, their tenants paid to dates, all maintenance details and property inspections helping us achieve our goal of building trust through transparency. We also realise that not all properties are the same and there is not a one size fits all approach to property management therefore we offer a tiered service package so you decide your level of service. Most importantly we very rarely go to the Tenancy Tribunal because through extensive checks, we select the right tenants that will look after your property and paying their rent is a priority.


In addition to this, as a client of Residential Rentals Ltd we give you peace of mind and optimal returns with our unique service guarantees. We are serious about our commitment to provide the best property management service to home owners.


AsiStock-538044330.jpg a professional property management company we have access to information that private homeowners / investors do not have access to. We subscribe to use New Zealand’s only comprehensive tenant background and credit checking system, allowing us to access over 12 databases, verify the legitimacy a persons references, gives us results from International Watchlist and also the District Court and Tenancy Tribunal decisions. In addition to this comprehensive tenant background checking all tenants are interviewed and personally shown through your property. Based on our extensive experience we know how to analyse applications for any warning signs. We also complete thorough reference checks and if there is ever any doubt, we do not proceed with an application.



At Residential Rentals Ltd we are serious about our commitment to provide the best property management service to home owners. To make sure this commitment is not lip service, we offer a number of service guarantees to all of our owners as a measure of accountability and to support our commitment to provide the best property management service to home owners.


We can be the bad guy if we need to be! Often landlords develop a friendship with their tenants meaning that problems can arise when the tenant fails to pay their rent on time. We will be the buffer between the you and the tenants. Tenants realise that we, unlike you, are only doing our job and are we are obligated to enforce the tenancy agreement terms.

We have a zero tolerance policy towards arrears, and have systems in place for chasing them up.


The tenant turnover process can cost a landlord time and money. We have a time tested tenant retention policy that ensures happy tenants with lengthy stays in your properties.


iStock-479490102.jpgWe know our way around the Residential Tenancies Act and all other relevant Acts and Regulations involved in owning a rental property.

We understand it only takes one troublesome tenant to cause significant legal and financial headaches. Our staff are fully trained and are up-to-date with the latest landlord-tenant laws to ensure you are not leaving yourself vulnerable to potential loss of income. Should a dispute arise, we’ll represent you at the Tenancy Tribunal to ensure you get the best possible outcome.


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With our knowledge of the local market, access to a variety of database’s with market rents and access to rental rate tools we are able to determine and recommend the best rent rate for your property and ensure the property is rented for longer, without you loosing money.





Through regular property inspections we will catch and deal with maintenance and repair issues early on, before they grow into a larger more costly problem. We will also offer you suggestions and feedback on upgrades and modifications to maximise you rental income.


We have written hundreds of advertisements and understand what to say and where to advertise in order to get a larger selection of potential tenants in a short period of time. We invest in up-to-date software services to ensure the application process is quick and easy for tenants and we have the ability to process applications quickly to ensure you are not missing out on the best possible tenant.





It is vital to have good maintenance and repairs to keep tenants happy and preserve the value of your investment. Our staff are trained to trouble shoot any possible repairs in addition to complete any minor maintenance requirements during property visits. We have a database of trusted contractors that offer us competitive rates and can we take care of the problem before you even know there is one!



iStock-494339702.jpgResidential Rentals Ltd have the latest updated legal documentation that provides protection for all parties in conjunction with the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and the Amendments.