tenant faqs
do i have to pay a fee if i rent through your company?
Yes. The letting fee is the equivalent of one weeks rent + GST.
Is that all I have to pay before I can move in?
No. You will be required to pay two weeks rent in advance, the letting fee plus the bond
How much bond do I have to pay?
Residential Rentals Limited requests 4 weeks bond.
What happens to my bond?
- The bond is lodged with the Bond Centre, who holds it in trust.
- Residential Rentals Limited may make a claim against the bond for any of the following reasons - rent arrears, damages, outstanding water accounts, cleaning, lawns and gardens, rubbish removal.
- If you and Residential Rentals cannot agree on the amount being claimed, either of you may apply to the Tenancy Tribunal to resolve the matter.
How much notice do I have to give if I want to end the tenancy?
That will depend on whether the term of your tenancy is Fixed Term or Periodic.
What's the difference?
- A fixed term tenancy cannot be terminated by notice by either yourself or Residential Rentals Limited. It has a start and finish date and you will be responsible for the rent for the entire term of the tenancy. However, if both parties agree, the tenancy can be terminated sooner.
- A periodic tenancy can be terminated by notice. You are required to provide Residential Rentals Limited with 21 days written notice.
The landlord must provide you with written notice -
- 42 days if he or any of his family require the property for their own use.
- 42 days if the property has been sold.
- 90 days for any other reason.
- Up to 4 days should be added to the above to provide for service of the Notice.
If you wish to vacate before either the 42 or 90 days it is important to know that you are still required to provide the landlord with 21 days notice.
Can the rent go up during a tenancy?
- Fixed Term Tenancy: Yes, but only if it is written into the Tenancy Agreement.
- Periodic Tenancy : Yes
For both of the above the landlord must provide you with 60 days notice of the increase. The rent cannot be increased within 180 days after the date that the last increase took place, or from the start date of the tenancy.
Can the Landlord sell the property if I have a Fixed Term Tenancy?
Yes, the landlord has the right to list his property for sale regardless of the term of the tenancy.
However you will be entitled to remain in the property for the duration of the fixed term. This term may be extended if you and the new landlord agree. Residential Rentals Limited will negotiate with the landlord on your behalf to reach a mutual agreement.
What about sub-leasing?
Residential Rentals Limited Tenancy Agreements do not permit subleasing or assigning of a tenancy.
What if some tenants move out during the tenancy?
If any one of those named on the Tenancy Agreement move out of the property this effectively brings the tenancy to an end, but if you wish to continue with the tenancy contact Residential Rentals to discuss what options are available.
Can I change the locks?
Not without the consent of Residential Rentals Limited. If it is agreed then you are obliged to provide Residential Rentals Limited with a set of the new keys.
When can a Residential Rentals Agent enter the property and how much notice am I entitled to?
Notice for access varies as follows-
- With your agreement, the Residential Rentals Agent can enter the property immediately
- For the purpose of carrying out a routine inspection 48 hours.
- For the purpose of carrying out necessary repairs or maintenance 24 hours
- For the purpose of showing the property to prospective tenants, purchasers or a registered valuer by consent (which cannot be unreasonably withheld)
What should I do if I am temporarily unable to pay my rent?
The most important thing to do is to contact Residential Rentals Limited as soon as you are aware there will be a problem with your rent payment. Simply ignoring the problem will not make it go away and very likely cause us concern and commence breach and eviction proceedings.
What about things that need fixing?
It is your responsibility to notify Residential Rentals Limited of any repairs or maintenance required as soon as possible, so that we can take the necessary action. But prior to contact us, please read through the Repair Tips and Troubleshooting Guide, to see if you are able to fix the problem yourself.
What documents should I, as a tenant, be given before I move into the premises?
The following items are required:
- Copy of the Tenancy Agreement
- Copy of the Bond Lodgement form
- Receipt for initial rent amount, lease fees, and bond monies
- Photocopy of all access keys and remote controls (if any)
- Emergency contact number details